Here's what's new and better about
Group Sales Superstar 3.0
- 7 new modules including How to ask for Appointments, handling voicemails and emails, group sales budgeting, interviewing, hiring and on-boarding and more. Click here to see a sample of the Group Sales Budgeting module.
- New Final Exam video feedback where Steve records his feedback directly on the video and sends the video feedback back to the salesperson and Sales Manager. It’s as if Steve is watching the video in person with the salesperson. Click here to see a sample of how this feedback works.
- All training modules have been re-recorded and updated with new ideas, tools and techniques for group sales success.
- New Ultimate Toolkit Slack Channel and weekly Ten Minute Tix Talk podcast with new ideas to help your sales grow.
Why This Works for Teams
Our online course works for teams for five key reasons:
- 12 modules for salespeople to learn how to find the right group leader, questions to ask, how to make a specific recommendation and following up for success.
- 7 modules for Sales Managers including how to continue the training, group sales budgeting, database building, management tools and more.
- Bonus Content straight from The Ultimate Toolkit including the Group Sales Manager’s Bible, Group Salesperson’s Handbook and multiple other chapters
- Sample group sales videos with Steve’s feedback built right in to them so salespeople can immediately see what the salesperson is doing right and wrong.
- New Final Exam module and technology where Steve provides video feedback imbedded directly in to the salespersons’ Final Exam video
What Industry Leaders Think

What's Inside
- 12 Sales Training Modules: It is just like having Steve visit your office. Salespeople will learn how to find the right group leader, what questions to ask, how to make a specific recommendation, handle objections and close the sale – step by step.
- Final Exam/Quizzes: Each salesperson has to take a test after each module to make sure they’ve retained the information. And, at the end, they have to complete a role play video that Steve grades. As a tough grader, usually only about 50% of the students pass on their first attempt.
- Bonus Content: You’ll also receive group sales-specific chapters right out of The Ultimate Toolkit, sample training videos and sample group sales collateral.
- Sales Manager Corner: This area provides tools for the Sales Manager to track progress of each salesperson, how to perform a Group Audit and next steps on how to make sure the training sinks in and sticks.
This is the great part. You’re not sending your salespeople off to a two-day seminar, shutting down their sales for at least two days. They’re staying at their work stations and working.
If you want your group salespeople to take the training over a three day period they will miss very little time doing their job. In fact, they will be getting better while they are doing their job and their training.
There are twelve learning modules in the Group Sales Superstar Online Course. Each one takes about 10-25 minutes to watch the first time. If a student is taking notes, referring to each Module in the Salesperson’s Handbook and taking each Module’s test, that student should allot a minimum of about 30-35 minutes for each Module. This allows your salespeople to work and learn at the same time.
So, the initial ‘classroom’ experience would be about four hours total. That four hours could be distributed over two or three days allowing each salesperson to make their calls.
Here’s why: There is one goal with Group Sales Superstar Online Course. That one goal is to make each group salesperson significantly better in a short period of time.
The very best way to do that is an interactive experience between teacher and student. Steve grades each salesperson’s test and video. He copies the team’s Sales Manager on all the feedback. That feedback is critically important to the salesperson getting better.
The Group Sales Superstar online course is priced inexpensively on purpose so that you can afford to enroll each of your staff members/students.
Yes, a team could do that. Multiple students could watch the modules. But, there would be the interactive experience for just one. Only one student would get Steve’s feedback on the tests and video final exam. Remember, one goal is to make each salesperson significantly better in a short period of time. Teams shouldn’t chintz on making salespeople better.
Each salesperson/student has 24/7 access to the course for 90 days. Each salesperson has their own copy of the Group Salesperson’s Handbook, which takes them–in writing–step by step over everything they learned in the course.
They also have access to the training Modules to watch over and over. Heck, I’ve known salespeople that watched and re-watched the Modules just so they can quickly accelerate their learning curve.
I’ll answer a question with a question: When would you want your salespeople to start being far more effective in group sales?
If it’s during the off-season, there’s plenty of prep work that needs to be done to make the selling season far more effective.
If it’s during the season, why not make your salespeople more effective right away?
There’s no reason to wait on success.
Recent Successes
- Over 1000 sales people have gone through the program since its inceptionLicensed by the G-League, WNBA, International League, South Atlantic League and Eastern League to provide unlimited access to all team employees in their leagues
- Can be finished in three to four days spending one to two hours per day
- Teams have seen a 30-50% increase in group sales, including one salesperson doing a $32,000 sale one week after – a 107:1 return.
Teams Who've Used It