Notable awards
There is a challenge to teaching students sponsorships.
With so many different approaches to sponsorship sales, what do you teach? How deep do you go into the nitty gritty details? With dozens of schools using The Ultimate Toolkit – Group Sales Superstar and B2B Superstar online training programs, the demand came for the same type of program for teaching sponsorships.
5 Week program:
This program is designed to provide a broader overview of corporate partnership strategy and tactics with video modules explaining the key facets of partnership strategy. It’s ideal for an introduction to sponsorships, especially at the undergraduate level.
Tied to each module is a chapter from The Ultimate Toolkit – Sponsorships for further learning and we include quizzes to help you ensure students are reading and absorbing the material in the modules.
5 Week Course Content Highlights:
- Selling Anchor Partnerships. How to identify key anchor elements of inventory to incorporate in to major corporate partnership packages.
- The Need for Big-Time Promotions. The reason behind why big-time promotions are so critical to success – much more than a logo on a tee shirt or videoboard feature – and how to create them for all types of partnership candidates. In this, we include the steps to create big-time promotions using the 5-Question Acid test along with written examples of hugely successful promotions that have been implemented.
- Building a Sponsorship from Scratch. With core anchor elements and a big-time promotion, what else can be included in a corporate partnership to balance it out and assure an impact across multiple departments of a company.
- How to Price Sponsorships. We go step by step on various strategies to price a corporate partnership to maximize revenue.
- Who to Sell your Sponsorship to. Once the package is built and priced, who do you call on to sell it? We go through industry categories, non-traditional sponsorship candidate ideas and even some really weird sponsorship prospects and show how you tie it all together.
- Final Exam. Because we believe that big-time promotions is so critical to selling success, we built in a final exam for your students to create their own big-time promotion. You can use this as part of the content or design your own test to make sure students have learned what you want them to learn.
In this course, you can view a deep level of content from the original sponsorship toolkit. You will have access to the content depending on what you have purchased in the past.
In this course, you can view a deep level of content from the original ticket sales content. You will have access to the content depending on what you have purchased in the past.
By Steve DeLay
I’m not a fan of telemarketing. Let me state that up front.
By telemarketing, I mean handing a list of past buyers to a fresh out of college young inside salesperson and saying basically, “Have at it,” and telling them to make 80 calls a day and don’t come up for air until they make some sales.
What I am a fan of is effective follow up phone calls to truly maximize your team’s success selling to Joe Fan. That’s what these training modules are all about. This program provides a very inexpensive way to effectively train your ticket sales staff, interns or other people in your office to make sales calls, without taking them away from their own busy schedules to learn.
Whether you call it Inside Sales, Consumer Sales, Joe Fan Sales or B2C sales, this online training program is right up your alley. Salespeople making follow up calls will be the perfect complement to the digital and email marketing your team should already be executing.
Course Content Highlights:
- Selling to Joe Fan – Outbound: Learn what to say when reaching out to fans that are on your marketing list and have received a previous email.
- Handling Objections: As we know, fans will have objections that come in all shapes and sizes. We tackle the key challenges a salesperson will face.
- Handling In-Bound Calls: It’s always nice to receive a phone call from someone that is interested. There are still a number of key steps to remember to ensure the sale.
- Asking for Referrals: An often forgot about skill in sales. The training walks through a number of steps that you can take to make this very successful in your career.
- Bonus Materials: We will provide you a number of materials including a few chapters from The Ultimate Toolkit that you can read through and perfect your skills with.
- Final Exam: Record yourself doing a role play video and Steve DeLay will send you helpful feedback.
The cost is nominal – just $89 per salesperson.
Your sales staff will thank you and your owner will thank you for increased sales.
In this course, you can view a deep level of content from the original ticket sales and sponsorship Toolkit’s. You will have access to the content depending on what you have purchased in the past.
By Steve DeLay
Let’s face it. Ticket sales are hard.
Unless you’re the Golden State Warriors winning titles, an NFL team with PSL’s where renewals are almost automatic, or a Top Ten college football team, you have to really work at selling tickets.
That’s why I get these calls pretty regularly from a team owner or team president,
“I think we’re doing the right things on ticket sales but it’s just not working.
What should we do?”
That’s why Jon Spoelstra and I created The Ultimate Toolkit to Sell the Last Seat in the House. We wanted to give every team the tools to ‘know what to do’. Over the last decade, more than 300 teams or colleges have invested in The Ultimate Toolkit and had tremendous success increasing ticket sales.
The fundamentals of ticket sales are still the same:
- Focus on selling out your biggest and best games
- Create ticket products that your target audiences want to buy with value-added.
- Hire and train salespeople.
- Keep track, adjust and try new things.
However, over the last ten years, through working with teams as a consultant and ownership of my own teams, the Macon Bacon, Florence Flamingos and an original part owner of the Savannah Bananas, I’ve been able to develop even more ideas and tools on about how to implement and execute those key fundamentals.

Part of that was taking the original written sales training programs and those tools in to simple, cost-effective online ticket sales training programs.
Now, it’s time to do the same for ticket sales Strategy & Tactics. That’s what The Ultimate Toolkit’s Strategy & Tactics 3.0 is. It’s not even a 2.0 version because we’ve added so many new ideas and tools.
The idea behind this program is to build on what we launched with the original Ultimate Toolkit and help you sell even more tickets. Here’s how it helps:
- Each module is broken down into bite-sized pieces for you and your entire staff to utilize. One investment allows everyone on your team to learn ticket sales from the group up. You make that investment once and have access to it as long as the internet exists.
- Tools to help you implement new ideas including sample reports, sample videos and chapters from the original Ultimate Toolkit.
- The ability to pick up the phone and call or email me at any time with questions. I’m here to help.
Here are some of the new modules you’ll be able to dive in to and learn from:
- Sellout Matrix strategy
- The four key target audiences and how to market to them
- Creating ticket products that sizzle
- Using food to sell ticket packages
- Negotiating with your concessions company
- Performing a Group Audit
- Email and digital marketing to Joe Fan
- Sales staff structure and focus
- Setting the auto-renewal process
- Reports that matter
For a nominal cost, you get my 30 years of experience in the industry plus Jon’s original 40 years of experience. I’m here to help. Give me a call at 702-493-2661 or send me an email at
There is a challenge to teaching students sponsorships.
With so many different approaches to sponsorship sales, what do you teach? How deep do you go into the nitty gritty details? With dozens of schools using The Ultimate Toolkit – Group Sales Superstar and B2B Superstar online training programs, the demand came for the same type of program for teaching sponsorships.
5 Week program:
This program is designed to provide a broader overview of corporate partnership strategy and tactics with video modules explaining the key facets of partnership strategy. It’s ideal for an introduction to sponsorships, especially at the undergraduate level.
Tied to each module is a chapter from The Ultimate Toolkit – Sponsorships for further learning and we include quizzes to help you ensure students are reading and absorbing the material in the modules.
5 Week Course Content Highlights:
- Selling Anchor Partnerships. How to identify key anchor elements of inventory to incorporate in to major corporate partnership packages.
- The Need for Big-Time Promotions. The reason behind why big-time promotions are so critical to success – much more than a logo on a tee shirt or videoboard feature – and how to create them for all types of partnership candidates. In this, we include the steps to create big-time promotions using the 5-Question Acid test along with written examples of hugely successful promotions that have been implemented.
- Building a Sponsorship from Scratch. With core anchor elements and a big-time promotion, what else can be included in a corporate partnership to balance it out and assure an impact across multiple departments of a company.
- How to Price Sponsorships. We go step by step on various strategies to price a corporate partnership to maximize revenue.
- Who to Sell your Sponsorship to. Once the package is built and priced, who do you call on to sell it? We go through industry categories, non-traditional sponsorship candidate ideas and even some really weird sponsorship prospects and show how you tie it all together.
- Final Exam. Because we believe that big-time promotions is so critical to selling success, we built in a final exam for your students to create their own big-time promotion. You can use this as part of the content or design your own test to make sure students have learned what you want them to learn.
There is a challenge to teaching students sponsorships.
With so many different approaches to sponsorship sales, what do you teach? How deep do you go into the nitty gritty details? With dozens of schools using The Ultimate Toolkit – Group Sales Superstar and B2B Superstar online training programs, the demand came for the same type of program for teaching sponsorships.
15 Week program:
This program is designed to provide a more in-depth overview of Corporate Partnership strategy and tactics with video modules explaining the key facets of partnership strategy. This is a deeper dive into the specifics of Sponsorships, and fits best into full semester sponsorship classes, especially at the graduate level.
Tied to each module is a chapter from The Ultimate Toolkit – Sponsorships for further learning and we include quizzes to help you ensure students are reading and absorbing the material in the modules.
15 Week Course Content Highlights:
- Selling Anchor Partnerships. How to identify key anchor elements of inventory to incorporate in to major corporate partnership packages.
- The Need for Big-Time Promotions. The reason behind why big-time promotions are so critical to success – much more than a logo on a tee shirt or videoboard feature – and how to create them for all types of partnership candidates. In this, we include the steps to create big-time promotions using the 5-Question Acid test along with written examples of hugely successful promotions that have been implemented.
- Building a Sponsorship from Scratch. With core anchor elements and a big-time promotion, what else can be included in a corporate partnership to balance it out and assure an impact across multiple departments of a company.
- How to Price Sponsorships. We go step by step on various strategies to price a corporate partnership to maximize revenue.
- Who to Sell your Sponsorship to. Once the package is built and priced, who do you call on to sell it? We go through industry categories, non-traditional sponsorship candidate ideas and even some really weird sponsorship prospects and show how you tie it all together.
- Mid-Term Exam. Because we believe that big-time promotions is so critical to selling success, we built in a mid-term exam for your students to create their own big-time promotion. You can use this as part of the content or design your own test to make sure students have learned what you want them to learn.
- Final Exam. Here, your students create a full Sponsorship proposal including a big-time promotion and a written presentation to video tape and provide as their Final Exam.
By Steve DeLay
I get it.
Trying to figure out how to teach your students in such a challenging environment can drive a professor crazy.
I get it because I sit in your shoes.
Not only am I a sports executive, consultant and ticket sales trainer, but I’m also a professor, just like you. I teach a class in ticket sales and marketing at Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte and yep, this semester, it’s all online instead of in-person.
We originally created Group Sales Superstar to be an online ticket sales training program for teams but now, it is perfect for students willing to learn the skills necessary to get a job in sports and professors focused on teaching their students those skills.
Here are the details for the Group Sales Superstar class for Sports Management.
Online Ticket Sales Course Highlights:
- Training modules. There are 10 modules for students to dive into the tools and techniques on how to effectively sell group tickets to various types of organizations and is taken directly from The Ultimate Toolkit. The material is broken down in to bite-sized pieces in modules 10-15 minutes each for easy learning.
- Built in Quizzes. Each module has a quiz at the end for students to prove they have watched the module. The grading is done automatically for you.
- Role Play Videos. Students have to submit a Final Exam role play video through the program showing they have learned the skills taught on how sell group tickets.
- Grading Videos. As professor, you get to watch those videos and provide direct video feedback to the students to help them get better. You can give them a grade on their first attempt or tell them to try again after receiving your feedback.
- Resume Database. Once the students complete the training, if they choose to, they can upload their resume and their role play video to the site where more than 300 Ultimate Toolkit teams and colleges can see them and recruit your students for full-time and internship positions.
Additional Tools:
- You’ll also receive a class-wide session with Steve critiquing your efforts and reviewing a group sales Final Exam video.
- Each student receives a copy of the Group Sales Superstar Handbook and the Groups for Sellouts chapter of The Ultimate Toolkit as part of their enrollment in the class.
- Sample sales videos for students to learn from, complete with video feedback from Steve.
- Access to The Ultimate Toolkit Slack Channel to ask questions of other Toolkit teams and full-time salespeople and share ideas.
- Weekly podcast with Steve and industry professionals where students get new ticket ideas in 10 minutes or less in the Ten Minute Tix Talks podcast.
The Cost is Nominal:
- Each school/student would pay by semester and have 90-days of access
- Option 1: $45 per student and $0 per school
- Option 2: $20 per student and $495 per school (students receive a $25 coupon code by email for checkout)
To get a demo, give me a call at 702-493-2661 or send me an email at or call Michael Brinkman, our Director of Sales at 651-755-5241 or email him at
We also have B2B Ticket Sales Superstar available for your students. For more information on that course, please click here.
We look forward to helping you and your students!
Group Sales Superstar 3.0 is bigger and better than ever. We will still teach you the core basics of how to find the right group leaders, what questions to ask, how to make the right recommendation and then handle objections, but we’ve added even more.
New Features:
- NEW! We’ve improved the Final Exam feedback process so it is now actual recorded video feedback in conjunction with a salesperson’s final exam video. Click here to see a sample of how this feedback works.
- All training modules have been updated with new material and new ideas including how to sell in a challenging health and economic environment.
- Four new modules have been included for salespeople including specifics on asking for meetings and how to handle voicemails and emails.
- New modules for the Sales Manager include the process for setting your group sales budget, tools to better market groups and the hiring and on-boarding process. Click here to see a sample of the Group Sales Budgeting module.
- Easier Final Exam recording. You now have the ability to record and submit videos from your mobile device and upload them directly to the site.
New Sales and Marketing Tools Added:
- Share questions and best practices with other Toolkit trained teams and salespeople through our new Ultimate Toolkit Slack Channel.
- Hear the newest and best ticket sales ideas on Steve’s Weekly Ten-Minute Tix Talk podcast with industry professionals. No 60 minutes of listening. You’ll get new ideas you can implement immediately in just 10 minutes.
Course Highlights:
- Over 1,000 Salespeople have gone through the program since its inception
- Licensed by the G-League, WNBA, International League, South Atlantic League and Eastern League to provide unlimited access to all team employees in the leagues
- Can be finished in three to four days spending one to two hours per day
- Teams have seen a 30-50% increase in group sales, including one salesperson doing a $32,000 sale one week after completing the course – a 107:1 return.
By Steve DeLay
I get it.
Trying to figure out how to teach your students in such a challenging environment can drive a professor crazy.
I get it because I sit in your shoes.
Not only am I a sports executive, consultant and ticket sales trainer, but I’m also a professor, just like you. I teach a class in ticket sales and marketing at Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte and yep, this semester, it’s all online instead of in-person.
We originally created B2B Ticket Sales Superstar to be an online ticket sales training program for teams but now, it is perfect for students willing to learn the skills necessary to get a job in sports and professors focused on teaching their students those skills.
Here are the details for the B2B Online Ticket Sales Superstar Sports Management class.
Online Ticket Sales Course Highlights:
- Training modules. There are 13 modules for students to dive into the tools and techniques on how to get an appointment and sell to businesses, taken directly from The Ultimate Toolkit. The material is broken down in to bite-sized pieces in modules 10-15 minutes each for easy learning.
- Built in Quizzes. Each module has a quiz at the end for students to prove they have watched the module. The grading is done automatically for you.
- Role Play Videos. Students have to submit two role play videos through the program showing they have learned the skills taught on how to get an appointment and how the make the sales pitch.
- Grading Videos. As professor, you get to watch those videos and provide direct video feedback to the students to help them get better. You can give them a grade on their first attempt or tell them to try again after receiving your feedback. Click here to see an example of a student’s video who took this class.
- Resume Database. Once the students complete the training, if they choose to, they can upload their resume and their role play video to the site where more than 300 Ultimate Toolkit teams and colleges can see them and recruit your students for full-time and internship positions.
Additional Tools:
- You’ll also receive a class-wide session with Steve critiquing your efforts and reviewing a Getting the Appointment video and Making the Sale video.
- Industry Analysis summaries from the top 15-20 industries that use tickets to help students understand businesses and learn even quicker.
- Each student receives a copy of the Getting the Appointment Handbook and the Making the Sale Handbook as part of their enrollment in the class.
- Sample sales videos for students to learn from, complete with video feedback from Steve.
- Access to The Ultimate Toolkit Slack Channel to ask questions of other Toolkit teams and full-time salespeople and share ideas.
- Weekly podcast with Steve and industry professionals where students get new ticket ideas in 10 minutes or less in the Ten Minute Tix Talks podcast.
The Cost is Nominal:
- Each school/student would pay by semester and have 90-days of access
- Option 1: $45 per student and $0 per school
- Option 2: $20 per student and $495 per school (students receive a $25 coupon code by email for checkout)
To get a demo, give me a call at 702-493-2661 or send me an email at or call Michael Brinkman, our Director of Sales at 651-755-5241 or email him at
We also have Group Sales Superstar available for your students. For more information on that online course, please click here.
We look forward to helping you and your students!
Selling tickets to businesses takes a proven model with specific training. Steve DeLay and Jon Spoelstra created that training nearly 25 years ago and have refined it constantly over their years in the business. Whether you are a new salesperson or a grizzled veteran, B2B Ticket Superstar will provide the techniques your sales staff needs to maximize B2B support within your market.
From getting appointments with top level executives to making a concise, professional sales presentation on how your team’s ticket products can help that business accomplish their goals, these modules dive deep into the proven B2B techniques from The Ultimate Toolkit.
Course Highlights:
- There are 15 modules for salespeople to dive into the tools and techniques on how to get appointments and sell to businesses, taken directly from The Ultimate Toolkit. The material is broken down in to bite-sized pieces in modules 10-15 minutes each for easy learning while a salesperson isn’t taken away from their every day sales activity.
- You could spend thousands of dollars to have Steve DeLay or another sales trainer visit your sales team whenever their schedule permits. Or, you can spend a fraction of that and start today. This training method will naturally fit into you busy schedules and tight budgets.
- Steve grades every salesperson’s Getting the Appointment video and Making the Sale video and provides video feedback to the salesperson and the sales manager, no different than if he was at your offices.
Additional Tools:
- When you sign up your entire team’s sales staff, you’ll get a staff-wide session with Steve critiquing your staff’s efforts and reviewing a Getting the Appointment video and Making the Sale video.
- Industry Analysis summaries from the top 15-20 industries that use tickets to help salespeople learn even quicker.
- Each salesperson receives a copy of the Getting the Appointment Handbook and the Making the Sale Handbook as part of their enrollment in the class.
- Sample sales videos for salespeople to learn from, complete with video feedback from Steve.
- Access to The Ultimate Toolkit Slack Channel to ask questions of other Toolkit teams and salespeople and share ideas.
- Weekly podcast with Steve and industry professionals where you’ll get new ticket ideas in 10 minutes or less in the 10 Minute Tix Talk podcast.
Group Sales Superstar 3.0 is bigger and better than ever. We will still teach you the core basics of how to find the right group leaders, what questions to ask, how to make the right recommendation and then handle objections, but we’ve added even more.
New Features:
- NEW! We’ve improved the Final Exam feedback process so it is now actual recorded video feedback in conjunction with a salesperson’s final exam video. Click here to see a sample of how this feedback works.
- All training modules have been updated with new material and new ideas including how to sell in a challenging health and economic environment.
- Four new modules have been included for salespeople including specifics on asking for meetings and how to handle voicemails and emails.
- New modules for the Sales Manager include the process for setting your group sales budget, tools to better market groups and the hiring and on-boarding process. Click here to see a sample of the Group Sales Budgeting module.
- Easier Final Exam recording. You now have the ability to record and submit videos from your mobile device and upload them directly to the site.
New Sales and Marketing Tools Added:
- Share questions and best practices with other Toolkit trained teams and salespeople through our new Ultimate Toolkit Slack Channel.
- Hear the newest and best ticket sales ideas on Steve’s Weekly Ten-Minute Tix Talk podcast with industry professionals. No 60 minutes of listening. You’ll get new ideas you can implement immediately in just 10 minutes.
Course Highlights:
- Over 1,000 Salespeople have gone through the program since its inception
- Licensed by the G-League, WNBA, International League, South Atlantic League and Eastern League to provide unlimited access to all team employees in the leagues
- Can be finished in three to four days spending one to two hours per day
- Teams have seen a 30-50% increase in group sales, including one salesperson doing a $32,000 sale one week after completing the course – a 107:1 return.