Ticket Sales Strategy & Tactics 3.0
By Steve DeLay
Let’s face it. Ticket sales are hard.
Unless you’re the Golden State Warriors winning titles, an NFL team with PSL’s where renewals are almost automatic, or a Top Ten college football team, you have to really work at selling tickets.
That’s why I get these calls pretty regularly from a team owner or team president,
“I think we’re doing the right things on ticket sales but it’s just not working.
What should we do?”
That’s why Jon Spoelstra and I created The Ultimate Toolkit to Sell the Last Seat in the House. We wanted to give every team the tools to ‘know what to do’. Over the last decade, more than 300 teams or colleges have invested in The Ultimate Toolkit and had tremendous success increasing ticket sales.
The fundamentals of ticket sales are still the same:
- Focus on selling out your biggest and best games
- Create ticket products that your target audiences want to buy with value-added.
- Hire and train salespeople.
- Keep track, adjust and try new things.
However, over the last ten years, through working with teams as a consultant and ownership of my own teams, the Macon Bacon, Florence Flamingos and an original part owner of the Savannah Bananas, I’ve been able to develop even more ideas and tools on about how to implement and execute those key fundamentals.

Part of that was taking the original written sales training programs and those tools in to simple, cost-effective online ticket sales training programs.
Now, it’s time to do the same for ticket sales Strategy & Tactics. That’s what The Ultimate Toolkit’s Strategy & Tactics 3.0 is. It’s not even a 2.0 version because we’ve added so many new ideas and tools.
The idea behind this program is to build on what we launched with the original Ultimate Toolkit and help you sell even more tickets. Here’s how it helps:
- Each module is broken down into bite-sized pieces for you and your entire staff to utilize. One investment allows everyone on your team to learn ticket sales from the group up. You make that investment once and have access to it as long as the internet exists.
- Tools to help you implement new ideas including sample reports, sample videos and chapters from the original Ultimate Toolkit.
- The ability to pick up the phone and call or email me at any time with questions. I’m here to help.
Here are some of the new modules you’ll be able to dive in to and learn from:
- Sellout Matrix strategy
- The four key target audiences and how to market to them
- Creating ticket products that sizzle
- Using food to sell ticket packages
- Negotiating with your concessions company
- Performing a Group Audit
- Email and digital marketing to Joe Fan
- Sales staff structure and focus
- Setting the auto-renewal process
- Reports that matter
For a nominal cost, you get my 30 years of experience in the industry plus Jon’s original 40 years of experience. I’m here to help. Give me a call at 702-493-2661 or send me an email at stevedelay@theultimatetoolkit.com.